Using Transformation to Transform a Family
9 Jan 2014 | jcheesman
As a physician who specializes in the study of obesity, Coleen knew the Transformation program was different than other dietary supplements on the market. Transformation interested her because it worked with the body and targeted insulin levels.
Transformation helped Coleen obtain her health goals, including losing those extra five pounds that wouldn’t come off, and lowering her cholesterol reading.
“Both of my parents have high cholesterol and have been on statin drugs, my father with stents and my mother with a stroke,” Coleen said. “So I decided to do the full transformation.”
Even with her experience weight management, Coleen found that the coaching aspect of Transformation invaluable to her outcome.
“One would think that I would not need the tracking or the coaching because of my profession in weight management, however, this part of the program was a big part of the success,” she said. “I was honest and dedicated in my tracking and this truly helped me to stay accountable and motivated.”
But not only did the Transformation program give Coleen the results she wanted to see and feel in herself, but it also changed her son.
“My son, now 17, had put on about 25-30 pounds since he had started driving, primarily from going out to eat with his buddies at lunch and his girlfriend at night,” Coleen said. “I was worried that he had gained a lot of weight in his belly region but I could not get him motivated to eat the healthy things. But when I received the Transformation products, my son showed interest!”
Because of his age, Coleen’s son could not do the full Transformation program, but she shared the initial products with him and they worked together on the program.
“It has been truly life changing for me,” Coleen said. “Not only because of how I feel, but because of what it did for my son. He lost 30 pounds and his lipids and hemoglobin A1C all have decreased. He is a different kid and I am a new person.”