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Saying Goodbye to “Fat Matt”

4 Aug 2014  |  jcheesman

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For years, Matt Staheli believed his health and quality of life would simply deteriorate as he aged. As he steadily gained two to five pounds a year, he thought he would never again be the fit athlete he was in high school.

“I had begun to assume that little by little I would have to let go of certain lifestyle activities as I just got older and fatter,” he said. “I think I had literally accepted that my quality of life would just start to progressively get worse over time, and there wasn’t really much I could do about it. It would just happen. I did not realize to what degree I had shut myself down, emotionally, in terms of having resigned myself to an ever diminishing quality of life.”

But after putting up with weight gain and low energy for years, Matt decided it was time to change. He was tired of feeling like he was “fat Matt,” he could see his unhealthy habits trickling down to his family.

“I could remember what it felt like to be thin and in shape, and I was tired of the fact that I had allowed myself to add two, three, or five pounds a year to my body,” Matt said. “I could see that my own unhealthy habits and patterns were being adopted by my family, and particularly my children. It was time for me to make a statement.”

Matt signed up for Unicity’s Transformation knowing that its structure and organization were just what he needed to stay on course. During the 13-week program, Matt’s success team, weekly coaching calls, and the chance to win money are what kept him focused throughout, because once he joined the program, Matt was all in.

“Once I finally made the commitment to my Transformation, I felt ready to go! I did meet up against some challenges, or roadblocks during my 90 days, however,” he said. “It was extremely helpful along this path to have a coach who I could work things out with and bounce ideas off.”

Since doing Transformation, Matt has seen amazing changes take place in his life, one being his own dad reclaiming his health as well.

“My father recently made the decision to begin his own Unicity Transformation,” Matt said. “He is only a couple weeks into the program, and has reported some great results so far on the scale. But more importantly, he’s telling me that he is feeling better than he has in years! I have high hopes for his results, and to see elements of my old Superman dad returning. I hope to be able to enjoy more activities with him like fly fishing or playing pickleball with my kids. I love how the Unicity influence is spreading around my family!”

When Matt started Transformation, he took out a picture of himself as a recently graduated high school senior at the beach. As a student athlete, Matt always thought that picture captured the prime of his life. With Transformation, he used that image as his goal to work toward. This past year during his family’s annual beach trip, Matt recreated the image along with another photo he had taken with his sons last year.

“While at the beach I took the opportunity for a couple of additional before and after photographs,” he recounted. “One was from the year prior, in my Fat Matt body, with two of my boys. We restaged it and the difference this year was astounding! The other was a recreation of that photo of me as a 17 year old athletic high school senior — my prime goal. This time, the similarities between the two are astounding!”

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